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At what place on this planet is the weather most interesting?
How can I learn photography?
How do I photograph...?
What have I seen in the sky?
Where can I learn more about the weather?

At what place on this planet is the weather most interesting?

I can hardly answer that question, as I haven't traveled many places; but I would suggest that my home country (The Netherlands) will be one of the few countries with the most variable weather! We can get anything from Aurora Borealis and noctilucent clouds to lightning and tornadoes, even though the frequency of such things is generally low. So, my question back would be: how do you define "interesting"? For severe weather, an interesting place would be the Great Plains in the USA; for beautiful lightning this might be Arizona, USA; for Aurora this is Alaska, Canada, the South Pole, and Northern Europe (Iceland), to name but a few.

How can I learn photography?

First, you can learn from internet sites. Then, you can search around for friends who photograph and learn from them, and also read books. But it is much like playing a musical instrument: you can't, if you don't practice, and you can't practice if you're really not interested. So, the place to start is to be interested in photography, and learn to have an eye for photographic techniques like lighting and composition and so on.

How do I photograph...?

Please read my photography techniques. If the subject is not there, you are either asking the wrong question to me (I don't care about model photography, for example) or you reached the horizon of completeness of my site.

What have I seen in the sky?

I love these questions - I can either directly refer you to a photo which shows and explains the phenomenon, or you have seen something really interesting and maybe anomalous (abnormal). Double suns, double moons, odd rainbows, and all that are very interesting because such reports do not conform to existent theory. When asking your question, first make sure that the thing you saw was not explained here on this site. If you email me your observation, be prepared to get an email back from me asking for lots of additional information, if your observation was indeed anomalous.

Where can I learn more about the weather?

The easiest and cheapest (to some extend) is by reading from internet sites. Read many sites rather than just one, as everyone always explains information in slightly different wordings; the differences will help you very much to an understanding. Then, there are countless weather books, some full of text, others full of photos or mathematical formula. Read reviews and buy a few books. While doing all this, study the sky yourself, and ask yourself questions.